Looking back....

Attaining adulthood is like finally getting to know that there is nothing magical about the rainbow. The days of childhood illusions, daydreaming and innocence just vanishes away giving way to ambition, competition and lots of manipulations. Now it’s hard to find people whom one can trust. Minds have become so skeptical that there is always a lingering doubt even on the closed ones.

Even those “childhood heroes” who once brought a smile on our faces every time we see them, fade away. Circumstances just make us them or even ignore them and those who still command that respect are too few.

I sometimes miss those days when making friends was just about having a good time, when one’s favorite uncle was one who cracked the funniest jokes. When one use to be eager to return home from school to play in the locality. I miss those simple unadultrated joy we used to get by having the latest candy bar in the market. I miss those simpler days.

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