Just another day in Myanmar...

So the world’s favorite pro-democratic fighterAung San Suu Kyi” has been put in another 18 months of house arrest. It hardly surprised anyone who is familiar with the Junta’s long and murky record of suppressing the democratic leader’s activities. What is even less surprising is the usual condemnation of the judgment by countries asking for more sanctions, etc. It’s more of a ritual than an effective measure. But what’s surprising is the lack of any retaliation from the people of Myanmar itself. It seems that they are hardly bothered about it and most of the media hype is just a propaganda created by other nations. Or it might be possible that the Junta’s reputation of brutality got the better of them and they decided to stay back. In any case, they don’t have the will to fight and thus don’t deserve and won’t get the freedom they seem to be dreaming of. A people’s revolution can never be underestimated no matter how tough the ruler may be. But it has to be led by the people not by foreign governments. Right now Myanmar doesn’t seem to be in any mood for change.

Meanwhile I wonder who’s more interested in bringing democracy to the country, nations who are finding it hard to lose out on the trading opportunities or Myanmar’s people who have got used to the state they are being forced to live in.


sagspace said...

Dude write more about yourself...more people want to read about you than Aung Sun Suu Kuyi !!!


indro said...

i was wondering why were you so quiet... :@