Clint's Torino...

Just finished seeing Gran Torino by Clint Eastwood and it was great. The story of a hardass Korean war veteran mentoring and protecting Hmong family next door has Clint's signture all over it. The movie and any of his movies will make you realize that when it comes to good movies the only things matter is a amazing story and a breath taking performance. Its amazingly subtle. Its hardly ever about any incident but always about relationships. Relationships you wont find everyday, everywhere but is more fulfilling and can altersomeone's whole life.

Through the movie one wonders why its called "Gran Turino" named after the 1972 car that Clint owns in the move and treats like a old war friend. But everything falls into place as he sings,

"Gentle now, the tender breeze blows.
Whispers through my Gran Torino.
Whistling another tired song.

Engine humms and bitter dreams grow.
Heart locked in a Gran Torino.
It beats a lonely rhythm all night long"

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