The Barcamp Experience..

It’s been ages since I met guys who sat together and discussed technology and emerging concepts, passionately. That’s what I used to crib about before I went to Barcamp yesterday. It was the 2nd day of the 8th edition of the “unconference”. The place is a Mecca for geeks to meet up, highlight and exchange ideas with like minded people.

Nice thing about the whole idea is that it is very informally organized, yet amazingly managed. One doesn’t have to fill up long forms and go through tens of other formalities to get their session registered. You just turn up that day and scribe down your session name on any of the available slots and you are ready for the show. You want to cancel your session, just don’t turn up. It’s that simple. The sessions varied from specific concepts like “Natural Language Processing” to entrepreneurial stuffs like personal branding and starting one’s own company to yoga and ancient wisdom in modern times. You can go and attend any session, discuss or even keep quiet. And that doesn’t stop there. It’s not like one has to attend all the sessions and not sit idle. You can just sit around and have your own discussions and no one from the organizing team will stop you.

The main idea behind the format is to ensure that there is a free flow of ideas. People are exposed to new concepts and also get to meet the groups responsible for these ideas. These groups in return For guys like us it’s also a good way to get past a usual banal weekend.

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