
People complain/ joke about the sparse number of posts I write about myself. The problem is I can’t write about stuffs which generally most people do. Everyone is bugged with his work, every one looks forward to Fridays and everyone loves The Hard Rock Café. The point is why anyone would want to read about some thing they themselves do and may be do more than me and hence my reluctance to talk about myself.

Anyways I certainly have some new stuffs happening in my life. I have been staying alone for the first time. Surprisingly, I have been managing decently. Ok it’s a little tough sometimes. Prioritizing things was a bit confusing in the beginning. I got myself a “new” second hand bike and an internet connection before getting a proper drinking water supply. But then surviving can always wait but the latest “Weeds” episode cant. Also about to start volunteering for Rangashankara for a theatre festival they are organizing. Let’s see what sort of experience I can get out of it but I guess what ever it is, it will be more fun than the 9 to 6 job. More update on it in later posts.

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