
Motivation is a funny thing. Once you start something new it’s brimming out of the pot. Wait for a moment and “POOF” it vanishes leaving behind fading smudges of alibis. The problem is not with finding motivation. It is readily available in every other roadside shop. The problem is finding motivation which sustains itself till the target is achieved.

Motivation is hugely influenced by the reasons behind our aspirations. One can’t be Chopin if he plays the piano for a “standing ovation”. To have the motivation to go ahead and be a pianist as great as Chopin one needs to be as passionate about the piano as he was. When one takes a lesson his dream should be of playing the piano alone for hours just to himself. The motivation from the desire to master every stage of learning sustains till the end. Learning the piano for any other motives will lead to the futile attempt to speed up to the end which will lead to the disappearance of the motivation. If one is passionate about what he does, then finding motivation will never be an issue.

So think before you do something just for the sake of applauses. I am sure there are quite a few things which you will actually enjoy doing and also fetch you approval from others.

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